User Interface Programming

IERG4210 Lecture 3

Dr. Adonis Fung
Information Engineering, CUHK
Paranoids, Yahoo!

IERG4210 Web Programming and Security, 2015 Spring.
Offered by Dept. of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Copyright. Dr. Adonis Fung


  • Client-side Languages for User Interface (UI) Design

    • Structure and Content - HTML
    • Presentation - Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
    • Behavior - JavaScript (JS)
  • Covered HTML and CSS in last lecture; JavaScript today!

  • Recent advances in JavaScript shifts the paradigm of web programming. Rich web applications are nowadays heavy in client-side code


  • The JavaScript language itself
    • Basics, Variables
    • Functions, Object-oriented Programming
    • Arrays, Objects
    • Looping over Arrays and Objects with for and while
    • String Concatenation with Array
  • Data Object Model (DOM)
  • Events

JavaScript Basics (1/2)

  • Governs the page behavior, to make it interactive
  • Inclusion Methods into HTML (Similar to that of CSS):
    • External JS file:
      <script type="text/javascript" src="code.js"></script>
    • Embedded JS code (Why AVOID?):
      <script type="text/javascript">
      //do something here in JavaScript
    • Inline JS for an onclick event (Why AVOID?):
      <input type="button" onclick="alert('Hello!')" value="Click Me!" />
  • <script> tags block rendering of subsequent content

    Therefore, as opposed to CSS, put them inside <body> instead of <head> whenever possible

JavaScript Basics (2/2)

  • An Object-oriented Scripting Language
    • Dynamic Typing - Variable types (number/string/boolean/null/undefined) are generally dynamic. (versus statically-typed, pros and cons?)
    • Interpreted Language - Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation at browsers
    • Syntax - Similar to C, Java
  • You're expected to master in C/C++/Java taught in CSCI Introduction to Computing :)

Variables (1/2)

  • Dynamic Typing - The type changes with its assigned value

    var foo = 1;     // (typeof foo) becomes 'number'
    foo = "hello";   // (typeof foo) becomes 'string'
  • JavaScript uses Function Scoping (C uses block-level scoping)
    • Declaring in a function with var becomes local to that function
    • Declaring without var becomes global variable, i.e. under window
      var foo = 1;            // global variable - under window = 1;         // equiv. to the above
      window['foo'] = 1;      // equiv. to the above
      function a() {
        bar = 2; foo = 2;     // global variables
        var yo = 1;          // local variable to function a()

Variables (2/2)

  • More examples on Function Scoping (good for test/exam):
    var foo = 1;
    function a(){
      var bar = 2, foo = 2;
      foo2 = 3;
      return foo;
    a() == 2;                  //true
    foo == 1;                  //true
    foo2 == 3;                 //true
    foo2 === '3'               //false - type checking failed
    typeof bar == 'undefined'  //true
  • === will check if the LHS and RHS are of the same type and value (or address for arrays and objects)


  • Function Declaration Approaches:
    function add(param1, param2) { return param1 + param2; }
    var add = function(param1, param2) { return param1 + param2; }
    function mat() {  window.add = function(p1, p2) {return p1 + p2;} };

    According to function scoping, the first two approaches can become local, while the last one is declaring a global function.

  • Annoymous Function are useful for event listeners:
    function(param1) { /* do something here */ }

    To be discussed in slide 32.

Basic Object-Oriented JavaScript

  • JavaScript has no such a syntax like class. It's also function. :)
    var Person = function(name, sex){ = name || 'Unnamed';
      this.gender = (sex && sex == 'F') ? 'F' : 'M';
    Person.prototype.setName = function(name) {return = name};
    Person.prototype.getName = function() {return};
    Person.prototype.getGender = function() {return this.gender};
  • To initialize a new instance and call the methods:
    var p1 = new Person('Peter', 'M'),
        p2 = new Person('Niki', 'F'),
        p3 = new Person();
    p1.getGender() == p3.getGender();              // true
    p3.getName() == 'Unnamed';                     // true
    p3.getName = function() {alert('overrided')};  // overriding method

    prototype is the interface to add methods to every instance

Variable/Function Names can collide!

Namespace in JavaScript (Advanced Concept)

  • Good Solution: Leverage Function Scoping, group them in a namespace
  • (function(){
      var cart = window.cart = {};  // global
      var a, b, c;                     // private variables
      var calcSubTotal = function() {  // private function
        // calculate subtotal
      cart.checkOut = function() {    // public function
        // go to the checkout page
      cart.add = function(id, quantity) {
        // store it in cookies/localStorage first
        // display it in the shopping list
    cart.calcSubTotal();     // undefined! as it's a private function
    cart.add();              // OK!


  • Dynamic-sized - Auto extend to have more elements
  • Use as a Stack - methods available: push(), pop()
  • Other Useful Methods - join(), split(), shift(), indexOf(), etc...
    var x = new Array(), //empty array
        y = [],          //empty array
        z = ['Happy', 'New', 'Year', 2012];
    x != y                  // true - although both are of empty content
    z.push('!');            // z is ['Happy', 'New', 'Year', 2012, '!']
    z.join(' ');            // returns "Happy New Year 2012 !"
    z.indexOf('Year');      // returns 2 - i.e. zero-indexed
    "JS is fun".split(' '); // returns ['JS', 'is', 'fun']
                            // since String is an array of character

Looping over an Array (1/2)

  • Given:
    var z = ['Happy', 'New', 'Year', 2012];
  • for loop in the traditional way:
    for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
      //do something with z[i], can use break and continue as in C
  • If you like while better:
    var i = 0, length = z.length;
    while(i < length) {
      //do something with z[i], can use break and continue as in C

Looping over an Array (2/2)

  • Generally, the fastest way to for-loop over an array
    for (var i = 0, value; value = z[i]; z++) {
      //do something with value
  • New approach to loop (Modern Browser support required):
    z.forEach(function(value, index){
      //do something with value
    Check out more useful ones: forEach, map, reduce, etc...


  • Dynamic-sized - Auto extend to have more elements
  • Key-Value Pairs - Referenced with the key, like a hash table
    var x = new Object(), //empty object
        y = {},           //empty object
        z = {"name":"Niki",
             "today":function(){return new Date().toDateString();}};
    x != y;            // true - although both are of empty content
    z.age = 6;         // {"name":"Niki","today":func...,"age":6}
    z.age == z['age']; // true - can reference like array;         // returns "Fri Jan 27 2012" for example

Looping over an Object

String Concatenation

  • String Concatenation - operator reloaded, means addition and concatenation
    var w = 'Hello', x = 'World!', y = 1, z = 2012;
    w+' '+x == 'Hello World!'       // all return true
    w+x+y+z == 'HelloWorld!12012'    
    y+z+w+x == '2013HelloWorld!'
    w+x+(y+z) == 'HelloWorld!2013' 
    em... may be it's something good for midterm/exam :)
  • Joining an Array is Faster - very often you will concat string
    for (var i = 0, data = []; i < 5; i++)      // fast
    data.join(' ') == '0 1 2 3 4';              // true
    for (var i = 0, data = ''; i < 5; i++)      // slow
      data += i + ' ';
    data == '0 1 2 3 4 ';                       // true, note the last space

JavaScript Debugging in Firebug

  • Console Tab - to test out your code
  • Script Tab - to debug your code line-by-line (Demo)

JavaScript w/Data Object Model (DOM)

DOM Basics

  • Every <tag> corresponds to a Node Object, therefore having its own methods and properties. The enclosure of tags forms a hierachiecal tree
  • For instance, LHS is translated into RHS
      <title>My title</title>
      <a href="#">My link</a>
      <h1>My header</h1>

Referencing Elements (1/3)

  • Traditional Approach - getElementById() and getElementsByTagName()
    <ul id="header">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ul = document.getElementById('header');
    var li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li');
    li[0].style.color = '#F00';
    li[1].style.color = '#0F0';

Referencing Elements (2/3)

  • Modern Approach - Use the CSS selectors with querySelector() and querySelectorAll()
    <ul id="header">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var li = document.querySelectorAll('#header li');
    li[0].style.color = '#F00';
    li[1].style.color = '#0F0';
    //re-color the second <lt> to #00F
      '#header li:last-child').style.color = '#00F';

Referencing Elements (3/3)

  • DOM Navigation (seldom used nowadays)
    .parentNode, .childNodes, .nextSibling etc...
  • <p><strong>hello</strong>how are you doing?</p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var p = document.querySelector('p'), 
        strongs = document.getElementsByTagName('strong');
    strongs[0].parentNode == p     // true
    p.childNodes[0] == strongs[0]  // true
Image Source: J. Resig, "Pro JavaScript Techniques", p.90

Referencing Special Elements

  • Some popular shorthands:
      - document.head for <head>
      - document.body for <body>
  • Referencing forms:
      - document.forms[n] for the n-th child <form>
  • Referencing links:
      - document.links[n] for the n-th child <a> and <area>
  • Referencing frames:
    • document.frames[n] for the n-th child <frame>/<iframe>
    • Inside a frame,
      • parent refers to the immediate parent window
      • top refers to the highest parent window that its URL is reflected in the browser location bar

Common DOM Methods (1/3)

Changing Content / Adding New Elements
  • el.innerHTML = 'Your Current Time: ' + (new Date().toString());
  • // What if the string is untrusted??
    el.innerHTML = 'something <img onerror="alert(\'DANGER\')" />'
  • Indeed, we need something as follows to defend against XSS, to be discussed in later lectures

    el.innerHTML = 'something <img onerror="alert(\'DANGER\')" />'
    What's the difference?
Read "Optional Reading - Resig07 - 02 Object-Oriented JavaScript" for OOP

Common DOM Methods (2/3)

  • Adding New Elements (DOM-based)
    // To dynamically load a javascript file if needed
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = "dynamically-loaded.js";
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    // to add the script file as last child of document.body
    // or, to add as the first child of document.body
    document.body.insertBefore(script, document.body.firstChild)
  • So, a few lines of code (LOC) can introduce an external file that has thousand LOC.
  • Can you imagine now how to extend a <ul> list? (Hints: use <li>)
  • Removing Elements (DOM-based)
    //to remove all children of el
    function killChildren(el){while(el.firstChild){el.removeChild(el.firstChild)}

Common DOM Methods (3/3)

  • Changing Style Attribute (Forget this!) - NOT recommended = '#F00';
  • Changing Class Attribute (Preferred) - to re-style an element and its children
    el.className = 'newClass';

    ClassList is available in modern browser

  • Changing the Current Location - apply to the current window/frame
    window.location.replace('test2.html');   // redirect to test2.html
    window.history.go(-1);                   // back


An element generates events that reflect its current status, which can be registered with event listening callback functions that respond accordingly.

<p>Hello, Click Me!</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
// assign a function to onclick handler
document.querySelector('p').onclick = function(e){
  // display a simple popup dialog
  alert('You clicked hello!');

About Events

  • Asynchronous - Events are fired out of order
  • Non-threaded - Events get queued and fired one at a time
  • Some common types:
    • Mouse: click, mouseover, mouseout, dragstart*, drop*
    • Keyboard: keydown, keypress, keyup
    • Touchscreen: touchstart*, touchmove*, touchend*
    • Form/Input/Select: submit, change, focus, blur
    • Un/Loading: load, beforeunload, error, readystatechange
    • Timer: setTimeout(), setInterval()
    • * denotes HTML5 new events
More on Event Types: Event reference | MDN

Event Phases (W3C Model)

Event propagates over the hierarchical chain of an element, going through the capturing, target, and bubbling phases.

  • For instance, the target element <a href="/">Home</a> is clicked below:
  • Event listeners with capturing order: <body>, <div>, <ul>, <li>, <a>
  • Event listeners with bubbling order: <a>, <li>, <ul>, <div>, <body>
Note: Events in IE 8 or lower only bubbles, and CANNOT be captured
Image Source: J. Resig, "Pro JavaScript Techniques", p.114, 2007

Event Listeners

  • Traditional Approach (Cross-browser support, Bubbling)
    el.onclick = function(e) {
      e = e || window.event; // IE passes the event in the global window
      alert(; // is a reference to the target element

    Will multiple event listeners in IE get mixed up with the single event object? Why?
      No. Because event is non-threaded in nature as said in slide 29

  • W3C Standard (Supported in Firefox, WebKit, IE 9, etc)
    el.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
    }, false); // false for bubbling, true for capturing

    IE 8 or below provides attachEvent()(I don't use it personally)

Event Listeners - Traditional v.s. W3C?

  • Traditional is supported universally, yet risks from being overriden:
    el.onclick = function(e) { /* given that you did something with el */ };
    // BAD colleage can append the following code:
    el.onclick = function(e)  { /* do his things here, which will remove yours */ };
  • Unless, everyone is well-behaved:
    (function(){                        // Closure, detailed in 02-reading OO JS, p.27-30
      var _onclick = el.onclick;               // _onlick now becomes a local variable
      el.onclick = function(e){
        // execute the existing handler if it exists, propagate the this and event object
        _onclick &&, e);   // AND gate: test next operand if exists
        /* do something else */
  • W3C event handlers supports event capturing and cannot be overriden, yet it is not supported by non-standard compilant browsers like IE
More in the reading - J. Resig, "Pro JavaScript Techniques", p.123, 2007

Event Listeners at Bubbling Phase

<p id="el_p">
    <a href="test1.html" id="el_a">Click Me!</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function clickMe (e){
  e = e || window.event;  // for old IE
  alert('' + + '\n'
      + '' +;

var el_p = document.getElementById('el_p'),
    el_a = document.getElementById('el_a');
el_p.onclick = clickMe;
el_a.onclick = clickMe;
// Expected Results:
//  First alert: el_a, el_a
// Second alert: el_a, el_p
  • always refers to the target, while this refers to the one handling the event
  • The event BUBBLING order: target first, and then up to the root ancestor

Event Listeners at Capturing Phase

<p id="el_p">
    <a href="test1.html" id="el_a">Click Me!</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function clickMe (e){
  e = e || window.event;  // for old IE
  alert('' + + '\n'
      + '' +;

var el_p = document.getElementById('el_p'),
    el_a = document.getElementById('el_a');
el_p.addEventListener("click", clickMe, true);
el_a.addEventListener("click", clickMe, true);
// Results:
//  First alert: el_a, el_p
// Second alert: el_a, el_a
  • The event CAPTURING order: root ancestor first, and then down to target
  • Hence, as opposed to last example, <p> now handles the event before <a>.

Prevent Default Action: preventDefault()

<p id="el_p">
    <a href="test1.html" id="el_a">Click Me!</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function clickMe (e){
  e = e || window.event;  // for old IE
  alert('' + + '\n'
      + '' +;
  e.preventDefault();   // for W3C standard
  return false;         // for IE 8 or below

var el_a = document.getElementById('el_a');
el_a.onclick = clickMe;
// Results:
//   No page navigation when clicked
  • The default action, page navigation to test1.html, is prevented.
  • This is important to stop a form submission (i.e. stopping submit event) if it is not properly validated!!

Stop Event Propagation: stopPropagation()

<p id="el_p">
    <a href="test1.html" id="el_a">Click Me!</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function clickMe (e){
  e = e || window.event;  // for old IE
  alert('' + + '\n'
      + '' +;
  e.stopPropagation();   // for W3C standard
  e.cancelBubble = true; // for IE 8 or below

var el_p = document.getElementById('el_p'),
    el_a = document.getElementById('el_a');
el_a.onclick = clickMe;  // <a> first as bubbling
el_p.onclick = clickMe;
// Result: One alert appears and displays el_a,
//         then page navigation occurs
  • Event propagation is stopped at el_a, therefore el_p does not receive the event
  • Note: The use of <iframe>/<frame> will implicitly block event from propagating
  • Note: Can be workarounded not by script. Make overlapping clickable elements using CSS, thus avoiding ancestor relationship. (Demo in Facebook Timeline Profile)

JavaScript Example

  • A calculator using .getElementById() and
  • Here, 16 event listeners are registered (1 button each).
  • How to reduce to only one?

Advanced JavaScript Example

How to fix the problem below? Closure is your friend!

  for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    var btn = document.createElement('input');
    btn.type = 'button';
    btn.value = 'button ' + i;
    // I want to alert the button number
    btn.onclick = function() {alert(i);};

Even more advanced: Variable Hoisting. Lesson learned is always put var on top. Use jslint to remind yourselves!

Some Logistics...

  • Deadlines:
    • Assignment Phase 1: Jan. 26, 2015 5PM
    • Quiz 2 comming soon.
  • Credit Card needed for AWS registrations
  • Classroom relocation beginning next week: NAH 213