Server-side Form Handling

IERG4210 Lecture 5

Dr. Adonis Fung
Information Engineering, CUHK
Paranoids, Yahoo!

IERG4210 Web Programming and Security, 2015 Spring.
Offered by Dept. of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Copyright. Dr. Adonis Fung


  • Web Server Comparisons
  • Fast and Scalable Web Application
    • Application Framework using Express
    • Templated Rendering using ExpressHandlerbars
  • Server-side Form Handling
    • Retrieval of Request Parameters
    • Input Validations
    • Output Formats (HTML/JSON/XML)
    • Output Sanitizations (to be detailed next week)

Web Server

  • Recall: HTTP is a text-based application-layer protocol that defines how content is requested from a client application and served by a web server.

Web Server Choices

  • Market share: Apache > IIS > Nginx >> Node
  • Apache IIS Nginx Node
    Concurrency Model threaded / process-oriented approach
    (inefficient memory use and scheduling)
    asynchronous event-driven approach
    (no blocking, more scalable)
    Common Programming Language PHP ASP.NET/PHP None/PHP JavaScript
    Design Goals full-featured
    generic purpose
    less features/footprint
    specific purpose (e.g., cache/proxy)
    specific purpose
    app framework bundled w/web server
    OS mostly *nix M$ windows mostly *nix mostly *nix
    Open-source open-source
    (no upfront cost)
    (requires licensing)
    (no upfront cost)
    (no upfront cost)

Fast and Scalable WebApp using Node.js

  • Event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O API from ground-up
    • Model best for slow/blocking (network) I/Os, now asynchronously handled
    • Benefits and Concepts covered in last lecture and reading
    • Resource efficient. Can easily scale up with Amazon Beanstalk
    • Unlike optionally async with a library (e.g., Twisted in Python)
  • Code reuse due to single language across both client and server side
    • Developer-friendly to JS/AJAX folks
  • Fast v8 JavaScript Engine (as in Chrome)
    • JIT Compilation: Compiled to binary, and runs like executable
    • Memory more efficient and Faster than vanilla PHP (FB made HipHop VM)
  • Rapid Adoptions:
    • Yahoo, Paypal, Walmart, Rakuten, Groupon, LinkedIn, Microsoft, etc.

Node.js HTTP Server

  • HTTP is a first class citizen
    • Built-in HTTP library, doing away with Apache/IIS/Nginx
  • A Sample Hello World HTTP server:
    var http = require('http');
    http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
      res.end('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
    }).listen(3000, "localhost");
    $ node server.js
  • Event-driven paradigm
    • Create a HTTP server binded to port 3000 of localhost
    • Execute the callback per request

NPM - Pacakge Manager for Node.js

  • Package Manager: Simplify deployment by auto-resolving dependencies
    • A specification standard of (dev)dependencies
      devDependencies refers to those needed only during development but not runtime
      - NPM: package.json specifies the required packages
    • A repository to host packages published by developers
      - NPM:
    • A CLI toolset to recursively install/manage required dependencies and versions
      - NPM: npm install looks for ./package.json, and recursively installs all dependency packages

      - NPM: npm install <packageName> --save downloads packageName and marks it dependent in your package.json
      - NPM: npm install <packageName> --save-dev downloads packageName and marks it devDependent in your package.json

  • Note: (1) pip is the package manager for python; (2) Amazon Beanstalk runs npm install on your package during remote deployment;

Web Application using ExpressHandlebars

  • Delivering as an Interactive Workshop
    • 25 min. Get prepared with your laptop
    • Some walkthroughs and demonstrations
    • Teaching teams then workaround to help
  • Quick Started:

Modularize your files

  • Modularizing Static Functions into a separate file
    exports.hello = function () { console.log('hello') };
    var ierg4210 = require('./lib/ierg4210-static');
  • Modularizing an Object into a separate file
    module.exports = function Person(name) { = name;}
    Person.prototype.getName = function() {return;}; 
    var Person = require('./lib/ierg4210-object');
    var peter = new Person('Peter', 'M');
  • Tips: Modularize your routes. Keep your server.js succinct.

Server-side Form Handling

  • Recall how you send a request header/body: Lecture 4 slide #6
  • Retrieving request parameters from path, querystring, and body
    • // for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
      app.use('/process/:action(\w*)', function(req, res){
        // refers to params named "action" (e.g., /process/abc)
        console.log('params: ' + req.params.action);
        // refers to query string named "q" (e.g., /process?q=abc)
        console.log('query: ' + req.query.q);
        // refers to POST parameter named "q"
        console.log('post: ' + req.body.q);
        res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
        res.end('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');

    Ref: Express API

Input Validations

  • Root Cause: User Inputs are always untrusted!
  • Fundamental Defences: Restrict user inputs
    • Input Validations - pattern restrictions
      • blacklist malicious patterns: harder to sort out what's bad
      • whitelist acceptable patterns: easier to pin down the allowed space, hence whitelist whenever possible
    • Input Sanitizations/Encoding - escape sensitive chars. to stop executions
      • Type casting: untrusted = parseInt(untrusted) enforces an integer in JavaScript
      • Escape characters: prevent SQL injection (to be covered)

Server-side Input Validations and Sanitizations

  • app.use('/process', function(req, res){
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
      // input validation
      var InputRegExp = /^\w+$/;
      if (![req.body.firstname, req.body.lastname]
           .every(function(input){return InputRegExp.test(input);})) {
        res.end('Incorrect Inputs');
      // input sanitization
      req.body.age = parseInt(req.body.age);
      // further processing only after proper validations and sanitizations
      res.end('<h1>Hello, ' + req.body.firstname + req.body.lastname + ' </h1>');
  • In practice: use a validator package like validator or express-validator to help yourself

Server-side Input Validations and Sanitizations Using ExpressValidator

  • var app = require('express')(),
      bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
      expressValidator = require('express-validator');
    app.use('/process', function(req, res){
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
      // input validation
      req.checkBody('firstname', 'Invalid first name').notEmpty().isAlphanumeric();
      req.checkBody('lastname', 'Invalid last name').notEmpty().isAlphanumeric();
      // input sanitization
      var errors = req.validationErrors();
      if (errors) {
        res.send('Errors: ' + JSON.stringify(errors), 400);
      // further processing only after proper validations and sanitizations
      res.end('<h1>Hello, ' + req.body.firstname + req.body.lastname + ' </h1>');

Server-side v.s. Client-side Input Validations

  • Reiterating once again, apply validations at:
    • server-side for security enforcement
    • client-side for user experience enhancement
    • Reason: client validation code is shipped to client, which can freely be manipulated and bypassed at browsers, while server logic is hidden from clients and will send only the resulted HTML. The computation integrity of validations can thus be protected.
  • Security Best Practice:
    • Keep server- and client-side input validations as consistent as possible!!
    • Intrinsic advantage of Node.js: code/pattern reuse across client- and server-side

Output Formats

  • HTML
    • Response size too bulky (bandwidth, latency)
    • Take server resources for data binding with templates
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • Compact in response size. Fast JSON parser.
    • Facilitate shifting data binding and UI work to client-side
  • XML
    • As bulky as HTML. Slower than JSON parser
    • Used in legacy web services supporting SOAP

  • (Demo) In practice: Render minimal HTML at server-side (using templating framework like ExpressHandlebars). Do data binding with subtemplate at client-side (using Handlebars)

Some Logistics...

  • Assignment Phase 2 Deadline: Feb 4, 2015, 5PM
  • Self-studying PHP to enrich your knowledge and profile